
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Cafe Toastérica

Cafe Toastérica

Ever wonder what you’re doing in your alternate reality life, right now at this moment?

Are you that cool Rockstar Mom cooking dinner on a night off from the Re-Emerging To Rock world tour?

Maybe a chic Vintage Treasuures doyenne in the thrall of a formidable Jadeite estate sale haul?

Perhaps a Proprietor/Cook at a Toast themed cafe knocking out Sunday BLC Brunch @ Cafe Toasterica: the one where every table has a working toaster. The menu boasting a choice of sliced breads (sourdough, Honey Wholewheat, ChallahBrioche with Bagels on Sunday plus a mix ‘n match selection of vegetarian and vegan salsas, chutneys, salads, spreads and sauces. Once a week Pescatarian option for Sunday Bagel Brunch.

So what’ll it be for you? What does your Alternate Reality life look and taste like?

Eggnog Fudge Rugelach

Eggnog Fudge Rugelach

Lemon  Olive Oil Donut Muffins with Buttermilk Claze

Lemon Olive Oil Donut Muffins with Buttermilk Claze