Cafe Toastérica
Ever wonder what you’re doing in your alternate reality life, right now at this moment?
Are you that cool Rockstar Mom cooking dinner on a night off from the Re-Emerging To Rock world tour?
Maybe a chic Vintage Treasuures doyenne in the thrall of a formidable Jadeite estate sale haul?
Perhaps a Proprietor/Cook at a Toast themed cafe knocking out Sunday BLC Brunch @ Cafe Toasterica: the one where every table has a working toaster. The menu boasting a choice of sliced breads (sourdough, Honey Wholewheat, ChallahBrioche with Bagels on Sunday plus a mix ‘n match selection of vegetarian and vegan salsas, chutneys, salads, spreads and sauces. Once a week Pescatarian option for Sunday Bagel Brunch.
So what’ll it be for you? What does your Alternate Reality life look and taste like?